This food supplement is a pure, natural and concentrated liquid minerals that passes thru TRI-ATOMIC PROCESSOR making it readily absorbable down to the cellular level. It is far more energized and concentrated oxygen rich food supplement of NANO SCALE MINERALS.that literally boosts strength, increasing disease resistance and eliminating fatigue.
A modern day "Fountain of youth" with micro nutrients essential to life. cell regeneration and repair, best answer to retard aging.
Mineral Alkaline Concentrate is high in pH, highly oxygenated and has negative ion. Cells whether cancerous or normal can only live and reproduce (undergo mitosis) in a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. A healthy cell has a pH range of 7.35 while a cancer cell is more acidic. Mineral Alkaline Concentrate Plus when taken orally will raise the pH of cancer cells but not of normal cell. When the pH of a cancer cell goes up above 7.5 it dies and if it goes above 8.0, it will die in a matter of hours. MAC Plus installs checkpoints of toxins in every tissue passages in the body. Toxins will immediately diffuse when it passes through it. Mac Plus also activates memory cells or the immune cells that will tell you the need to take or reduce the application ratio by means of taste.
Our body is positively charged when it is tired, sick or weak, the negative ion of MAC Plus counter balanced the positive ions in the sick body to achieve almost perfect body hemeostasis or harmonious internal environment.
Normally, Mineral Alkaline Concentrate Plus is tasteless when added to drinking water but if you feel different taste when applying the same application ratio, then your body itself is now sending a message to lower down the application amount until the taste is eliminated.
Mineral Alkaline Concentrate Plus is processed billion time thru NANO TECHNOLOGY. MAC Plus is pure, natural and multi-functional, a food supplement with bio-electric mineral concentrate extract from the Great Salt Lake in Utah and Israel's Dead Sea. It turns dead water into a living water!
Email: info@noypiko.com