Friday, October 29, 2010

MINERAL DEFICIENCY - Are You Getting Enough?

Author: Chris Campbell

Mineral deficiency is practically unheard of for some, but not all minerals. Do you know which ones? Anyone who manages to eat a relatively sensible diet is pretty much guaranteed to not have have a mineral deficiency when it comes to sulfur, manganese, chromium or molybdenum. As a matter of record, no nutritional expert has ever documented a case in North America where a deficiency exists in any of the previously mention minerals. Too bad that can't be said for all the vitamins and minerals that our body needs. There are a few minerals you may want to give some thought to when it concerns your diet.

I think were all aware (thanks to plenty of advertising from the milk people) that calcium is import for the development of teeth and bones. Particularly in children. What you may not be aware of though, is that minimum amounts of vitamin D are essential to allow your body to absorb that calcium. The hormone estrogen is also an aid in holding minerals like calcium within your bones.

Iron is an important aid for your body in it's mission to create hemoglobin. Hemoglobing, in turn is important in the transport of oxygen to all parts of the body containing tissue. A lack of energy can be attributed to this process being impeded by a deficiency of iron. There has been some research to suggest that iron deficiencies can result in lower brain performance. Feeling slow, tired and stupid? Nothing personal, but maybe having your iron levels checked would be a good idea? It's a simple blood test at your doctors.

Any guys planning to be future dads out there better pay attention to this section. Good levels of zinc are essential for producing testosterone and healthy sperm. So, no zinc, no 2am bottle feedings in your future. Low zinc can also affect your appetite, and weaken your immune system. So if you want those colds to disappear faster, and those Monday morning football injuries to dissipate sooner, then make sure your zinc levels are spot on.

There are plenty of other minerals like phosphorus, magnesium iodine, selenium and copper, to maintain. Quite often, many health conscious individuals give little thought to minerals, and much more to things like weight loss and vitamin supplements. Remember to consider minerals when you are considering all your health concerns. More info about these other minerals and more nutrition facts can be found at the links below.

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Read more great information on your vitamin nutrition and a nutrition guide, visit
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