Herman Aihara, in his book entitled "Acid & Alkaline" states that:
If the condition of our extra cellular fluids, especially the blood, becomes acidic, our physical condition will first manifest tiredness, proneness to catching colds, etc. When these fluids become more acidic, our condition then manifests pains and suffering such as headaches, chest pains, stomach aches, etc. According to Keiichi Morishita in his Hidden Truth of Cancer, If the Blood develops a more acidic condition, then our body inevitably deposits these excess acidic substances in some area of the body such so that the blood will not be able to maintain an alkaline condition which causes these areas such as the cells to become acidic and lowers in oxygen.
As this tendency continues, such areas increase in acidity and some cells die; then these dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some other cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function nor with our own DNS memory code.
Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer.
One of the least understood concepts of nutrition is understanding what acid and alkaline balance is. The cells of the human body depend on a balanced acid-alkaline pH. If any fluids are abnormal, digestive enzymes are rendered inactive, food does not digest properly, and allergic reactions can result. Food bound microorganisms such as yeast, bacteria, parasites; molds, viruses, etc. are liberated in the body, which puts stress on the immune system.
The body is largely made up of water, a medium which is biologically useful in allowing nutrients, oxygen and bio-chemicals to be transported from place to place. This water-based medium can have either acid or alkaline properties that are measured by a graduated scale called pH (for potential hydrogen), wherein 1.0 to 6.9 is considered acidic, 7.0 is neutral and 7.1 to 14.0 is alkaline. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity. Optimally, we want the fluids in our bodies to have a neutral or 7.0-7.2 pH level. Under 5.3 you can not assimilate vitamins or minerals, it must be above 6.4 for maximum utilization and weight loss. Urine or saliva pH levels should be tested in A.M. prior to eating, drinking, or exercising.